Friday, August 15, 2008

Kim Zmeskal the Great!

The Olympics are one of my favorite things. Particularly the Gymnastics. When I was younger, my favorite gymnast was Kim Zmeskal. When I googled her today I found out that she now owns a gym in Coppell which is about 20 minutes from my apartment. I may have to stop by sometime and catch a glimpse of one of my childhood idols. And you better believe when I have daugthers I will do my best to make them Olympic stars. (Not in a bad way.) Take a look at this video of Kim's beam routine. Such control. It's amazing!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kim Zmeskal...I was racking my brain for the past 2 weeks trying to remember her name!!!

Hope the road trip is going well...I miss you already!

How to speak Canadian 101:practice these 2 phrases on the road and you'll blend in beautifully.
1. eh
2. about - pronounced like a-boat. this one is crucial!