Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Unexpected Surprises

Yesterday was a very long day. I worked all day and took my lunch break at my desk. After work I went straight to class until 10:00 pm. Class was very enjoyable but going from 8am to 10pm makes one pretty tired. My professor is this wonderful little Spanish man (he might actually be Mexican, but we'll go with Spanish) who makes me laugh every time he says "yellow" because it comes out sounding like "yah-low" due to his thick accent. I didn't have time to eat dinner so I spent most of class looking forward to eating leftover pot roast at home. Mr. Zarazua let us out around 9:45 and I made the 30 minute trek home in the rain. I stopped by the mail room at my apartment complex hoping my autographed video cell of Silverchair was waiting for me in the mail from Australia, but alas it was not.

I finally made it into my apartment and instead of walking in and seeing Keith on the couch watching TV I came into a dark apartment to find him already in bed. Keith almost never goes to bed before I do, but he and I have both been battling colds for what seems like months. I changed out of my work slacks and sweater and into some comfortable PJ's and washed my face, all the while trying not to wake Keith. He stirred a bit, woke up to tell me he loved me and to ask me if I'd put another Simpsons DVD on for him. I kissed him and told him good night and then went into the kitchen to make myself some dinner and watch a Tivo'd episode of 90210. When I walked into my dining room and turned on the lights for the first time since I came home I noticed a present sitting on the table for me....new DVD's of Aladdin and Cinderella that Keith had bought me before they go back into the Disney vault.

Its the little things.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

5 Months Later...

So I started this blog several months ago when I was bored at work. (Shh, don't tell my bosses.) And I wrote this big long blog about what was going on in my head at the moment, something to do with how my parents hate me and treat me like the red-headed stepchild. I saved it and never posted it. So here I am 5 months later, finally getting around to posting something. Today I have nothing really all that worthwhile to say, but I figured I should start by putting something up. So here goes, here are a few things that have been affecting me today...

I really can't seem to get over the fact that Heath Ledger died. It has really affected me. I don't know the guy, I wasn't a diehard fan, and I haven't even seen that many of his movies. But for some reason I feel like I've lost someone. I'm actually going through a mini grieving period. I don't know what it is. He just seemed like a nice guy. He looked genuine and sweet, and I really feel for his family, his little daughter and Michelle Williams. Everyonce in a while something like this happens and death becomes so real all of a sudden. Three days ago Heath Ledger existed, and now he doesn't. He just doesn't. Just like that. His body is lying somewhere, cold, and cut up, and he's not in it anymore. His daughter will never know him. Its just all very sobering.

I don't like my job. I don't hate my job, but I just don't like it. I feel like I'm wasting my life away. I so wish I could find a differnt job that was a little more interesting where I could only work 30ish hours a week and still make enough to live comfortably. Today I looked into getting my teaching certificate so that I could do that while I'm working on my Graphic Design degree. Unfortunately I didn't study enough the first time I was in college so my undergrad GPR isn't high enough to get into most teaching certificate programs. But I'm not quite ready to give up.

Its cold outside and I really wish it would ice over tonight so that I could sleep in a little bit in the morning. Or at least lay around the house in my fleece robe for a few extra hours and drink coffee while I watch the Today show.